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Participation prices

For your stand, choose one of four versions in different sizes and shapes. You can find details of all other participation prices in the overview.

Prices for stand space only

Choose the stand type you would like. You will be responsible for designing, planning, setting up, and dismantling your stand.

Submit your application form by September 30, 2024 and get all guest ticket vouchers free of charge. The official registration deadline for exhibitors is March 10, 2025.


Stand typePrice

Row stand (one side open)

EUR 187/m²

Corner stand (two sides open)

EUR 198/m²

End stand (three sides open)

EUR 204/m²

Island stand (four sides open)

EUR 207/m²

Participation prices are calculated net, per square meter of floorspace.
Minimum size is 12 square meters.
Please note: In the case of a two-story construction, a surcharge of 50 percent of the floorspace price will be made for the second floor. The area of the second floor will not be taken into account in calculating the allocation of free exhibitor passes.

Additional participation costs¹


Mandatory communication fee²

EUR 600

Service prepayment³

EUR 15/m²

Marketing fee⁴

EUR 6/m²

AUMA contribution⁵

EUR 0.60/m²

Fixed waste disposal fee⁶
For waste produced during set-up, dismantling and the fair itself

EUR 5,50/m²

Co-exhibitor fee

EUR 295

Mandatory communication fee for co-exhibitors

EUR 600

¹ Please also refer to the General Terms of Participation (A) and Special Terms of Participation (B).
² The mandatory communication fee includes a basic entry in the online exhibitor directory
³ After the fair, the prepayment will be reconciled on the final invoice against services actually ordered.
⁴ The marketing fee is charged for national and international advertising to visitors.
⁵ The Association of the German Trade Fair Industry (AUMA) collects a contribution from all exhibitors. This is invoiced by Messe München GmbH and transferred directly to AUMA.
⁶ The fixed waste disposal fee covers disposal of waste produced by the exhibitor at the stand during set-up and dismantling as well as for the duration of the trade fair.

Voucher for a one-day ticket

For applications for stand space submitted before September 30, 2024, an unlimited number of day ticket vouchers redeemed is included in the participation fee. For application forms submitted to Messe München GmbH after this date, exhibitors will be charged EUR 14,- per online voucher or EUR 35 for a permanent

The new communication entry - cheaper as a package

ceramitec 2026 offers exhibitors and visitors a new type of exhibitor directory, which can only develop its full effect if all companies make entries at all levels. In order to offer a low-threshold solution for this, an attractive package has been put together for the standard entry, which already contains the most popular components from the bookings of previous years and also offers a saving of around 25 % compared to an individual booking. The obligatory communication fee includes the following entries for you:

  • Company name
  • Address and contact details
  • 1x entry in the product directory
  • 1x entry in the industrial applications
  • 1x solution
  • Combination package link + e-mail
  • Social Media Buttons
  • 1x product/project

The obligatory communication fee applies to main and co-exhibitors and is charged at 600 EUR. Further supplementary bookings and thus a broader presentation of the company in the list of exhibitors are still possible.

Free exhibitor passes

For your trade fair team: We issue you with free exhibitor passes for your trade fair team based on the size of your stand space.

Stand areaExhibitor passes

up to 20 m²

3 free passes

from 21 m² plus each additional 10 m² increment

1 additional pass

from 101 m² plus each additional 20 m² increment

1 additional pass

Trade-fair budget planner

The MEPLAN calculator helps you plan your trade fair budget ranging from floor space to stand architecture including stand utilities such as water, electricity, and security.

Present your company!

Register now as an exhibitor and be part of ceramitec, the world's leading trade fair for the ceramics industry.